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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Practice To Infinity

To do well in a sport you have to always give it your all. Meaning never give up and keep training, because the more the person practices the better he gets. We humans are gifted for many things. One of those things are how we fail on something or do a poor job on, we always learn from it.

and climb up to the top. Experience is a important for a person because it makes them learn from their previous mistakes or failures. Sports have no specific level people keep practicing and trying their best to always get better from their previous experience. Most people ask what if the person was bad in sports, should he still play?

The answer for that question is yes, the only way a person can be good if only if he had the determination and the positive attitude towards the sprot. People grow by learning and doing mistakes, so thats why they keep trying no matter how many times they fail, in the end they will always find the light of hope which will lead them to succes.

To find that light people need to practice, learn, grow to achieve. In my personal opinion I agree with that statement because I was in this situation before. I can never forget those hard but fun times in my life. I used to be bad in sports and not really athletic till I found people to encourage me.

And I finally got the determination to do my best in the sport I loved which was soccer. I kept playing everyday, and practiced in my free time, I always put soccer in top of my fun list. I never played it without stop smiling.

thats how much I enjoyed. Over time after doing practices and playing everyday, I felt a big difference in my legs. Somehow it got used to a specific type of running and shooting, probably because of the soccer practices that I did, and my leg movement and coordinate became so much better. I noticed that the only possible reason for how I got better was because of the Practice


  1. That means alot , it inspires us all to focus more on what we love to do and just to have fun and be committed to it. It motivates us all and is a good reminder that we can overcome our biggest obstacles in life if only we are determined.

  2. This was very inspiring to hear from your personal experience, and it also influenced me to be more passionate and hard-working in the things I myself love as well. Your own story will really help those who are discouraged!
